Tuesday, March 07, 2006


TLP March 7, 2006

Hey, peeps.

The listserv was down for a couple weeks, thus a late and abbreviated Lex Pro. Thanks to Brian Connors Manke, Matt Jordan, Walter Carson for their contributions. (My apologies to Mikey Powell and Matt - the listserv being down rendered their previews for last weekend's Mogwai and Page France/Petticoat, Petticoat shows obselete. Sorry, guys.)

Well be back on schedule with the next issue - look for it next Wednesday, March 15.

Hope all are well.

:::::::::::::::::::::::: Announcements :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

** Tues/March 14 - film screening - “Waging A Living”

The Lexington Living Wage Campaign presents the award winning film “Waging A Living” for 3 showing at the Kentucky on March 14th. This acclaimed documentary shows the struggles & triumphs of the growing number of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck. Screenings will begin at 3pm, 5:30pm, and 7:15pm. Tickets are $5. All ages welcome. For more information or to buy advance tickets,
contact Janet Tucker at 859/389-8575 or jlynjenks@qx.net. Details: http://justicelist.typepad.com/jl/2006/03/314_film_waging.html.

:::::: An Open Letter To Cheap Trick ::::::

Dear, Rick, Robin, Tom and Bun E.,

Your band, Cheap Trick, has certainly had a long and successful career. The usual ups and downs greeted you, but you’ve continued to persevere. It’s hard to argue the brilliance of your early work, and, conversely, the fairly horrid stretch you had the in the mid-80s.

There was the big comeback in 1988 when you went to #1 with “The Flame” (sorry, not a big fan of that), not to mention, that cover you did of Elvis’ “Don’t Be Cruel” – which was one of the more insultingly wretched covers I can think of. I’m not some Elvis fanatic pining for the original, but wasn’t there someone in the studio with you that could have deterred things from crumbling like warm cornbread? Although, it was 1988, and if we were to look back at some of my hair/fashion choices in that grand year of my high school graduation – well, I guess, I should mindfully shut the hell up, and you should be cut some slack.

But, to the real matter at hand. I wanted to write you this letter to properly thank you for one specific thing. It would seem, that mere thanks is hardly enough for this truly monumental accomplishment, but that is all I have to offer you – my sincerest and most heartfelt thanks. Of course, I am referring to “I Want You To Want Me” as heard on the At Budokan album, which, at the time of this publication, I will crown “The Greatest Pop/Rock Song Ever - As Determined and Opined By Me.”

It’s flawless.

From the opening moment, in which Robin Zander playfully declares “I Want You…To Want…ME!” the ensuing screams establish the song as a unique experience. Rarely, do live songs become hit singles, let alone the single that breaks the band into the mainstream. But, this is no ordinary song.

You guys had this song lying around for years. I don’t know exactly when Rick Nielsen wrote it, but it was long before you even recorded your first album. I know that you actually cut a kickin’ version for your self-titled debut, but you decided not to include it. It subsequently first appeared on your sophomore release, In Color, but frankly, that version kinda sucked.

At Budokan is a wonderful album, filled with great performances, but “I Want You To Want Me” is the only definitive version. I mean, you can always listen to the studio version of “Surrender” and be completely satisfied.

Thanks Bun E. Carlos, for your crackling snare drum rhythm that propels the beginning. Thanks Rick, for when that first chord is ripped you can tell the tune is gonna have some balls to it. I don’t mean it’s going to run Black Sabbath off the stage, but for a pop song, it’s gotta lot of gusto, and the fact that it rocks is an essential part of the equation. A good rockin’ tune gives your gut a shot of adrenaline to make you want to drive a little faster, nod your head with a little more attitude and stir up emotions of youthful invincibility.

More importantly though, when the song settles into the infectious bounce of the verses and the melody starts to reveal itself is when you transcend space, time, and all other forms of measured science. Every chord change – perfect! Every note Robin sings – it all makes unequivocal sense. It even makes perfect sense when you can’t understand what he’s saying!

I’ll shine up the old brown shoes, put on a brand-new shirt. I’ll get home early from work…I don’t know if it was because I was 10, blaring the radio too loud or if Robin was somewhat slurring his speech, but I never sang anything even remotely close to that stanza. And I don’t want to start now. Live rock n roll isn’t supposed to be delivered in a procured and thought out manner – and amazingly, you took the time, to not take the time, to even consider that!

Which is to say, there was a lot of cosmic energy on hand that fateful night in Tokyo. It’s hard for me to thank all the unseen forces behind the culmination of the performance of “I Want You To Want Me.” What beer were you drinking? What shoes were you wearing? I bet the right or wrong shoes could easily alter your performance. Did you call home to Rockford, Illinois that evening to talk to your mom, your girlfriend, your barber, who also did your taxes? It’s all beyond my comprehension, yet it all needs to be thanked somehow.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the people of Japan as a whole, for they had already embraced you as superstars, and hence, you were playing a sold-out arena of screaming fans. And those screams, those high-pitched screams of joy, never seem out of place. Is that possible?

It is. And I know it to be true, because I can still get light-headed when all those elements come together to converge on my ears, flow to my brain and still place the biggest smile imaginable on my face.

Thanks again,

Brian Connors Manke

Cheap Trick plays Rupp Arena with Aerosmith tonight (Tuesday March 7th).

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE PICKS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::: Tuesday, March 7 through Wednesday, March 15 :::::::::::

:: Thursday, March 9 ::
doors 7pm, show 7:30pm, all ages, $30

Don’t have $30 for the show? (I don’t.) Do yourself a favor and scrape together the $10 or $15 to get the new Belle and Sebastian disc. It’s had me bouncing around my house for the last two weeks.

:: Friday, March 10 ::
@ The Dame - 9pm, ages 21+, $5

Imagine if Wolf Parade and Animal Collective teamed up to write drunken, erratic pop tunes. Got it? Okay, now imagine that that group just released one of 2006's best albums. Man Man have just put out their second album, Six Demon Bag, and are touring in support of it. The crazy thing is, as wild as they are on record, they're supposed to be ten times more so in person. My advice to you is that you drop what you're doing on Friday the 10th and make your way to the Dame for what could be one of the best shows you'll see all year. – Matt Jordan

:: Sunday, March 12 ::
7pm, ages 18+, $10

If you enjoy going to shows at the Charles Mansion, or thrill to the farthest out sounds emanating from the Outside the Spotlight jazz series, then you'll definitely want to waltz on down the Dame on Sunday, March the 12th for an evening of Avant Garde music with Tony Conrad, Rhys Chatham & Jonathan Kane's February. Since the early 1960's, Tony Conrad has utilized intense amplification, long duration & precise pitch to forge an aggresively mesmerizing "dream music". Cohorts in these endeavors have included such luminaries as John Cale, La Monte Young, Jim O'Rourke & Kevin Drumm. In the 1970's, Rhys Chatham altered the DNA of rock, marshalling massed guitar armies (guitarmies!) & fusing overtone drenched minimalism with the fury of punk rock. His work prefigured No Wave & cast a huge shadow over the work of his proteges, including Glenn Branca & Sonic Youth. Jonathan Kane is a downtown NYC legend - as co-founder of the No Wave behemoth Swans & the rhythmic thunder behind the massed guitar armies of Rhys Chatham & the rock excursions of La Monte Young - and one of the hardest hitting drummers on the planet. All of these add up to an evening of musical thrills not to be missed. – Walter Carson
[Full Disclosure: I copped much of the text from the Table of the Elements website. - WC)
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/rhys.chatham/, http://media.hyperreal.org/zines/est/intervs/conrad.html, http://www.garylucas.com/www/gdmn/gdmKANE.shtml

:: Sunday, March 12 ::
ILL EASE w/PARTS & LABOR, ELEPHANTS, and DJ TODD P @ Underlying Themes, 110 S. Upper
10pm (or whenever the show at the Dame is done), all ages, $5 or $3 w/handstamp from the Dame

The post-Conrad party. Here’s a description from a recent email from Mikey T – “This show is gonna be nuts!!! Total party with Parts and Labor brand of stretched out spazz rock and the peculiar pop stylings of one Ill Ease. We all know and love The Elephants for their brand of manic depressive pop symphonies (currently in the studio!!!). DJ Todd P is a notorious Brooklyn area promoter/hypeman so you can only imagine what massive record collection he must have up his sleeve for us!

http://www.partsandlabor.net/, http://www.illease.com/, http://www.myspace.com/theelephants

:: Monday, March 13 ::
9pm, ages 21+, $5

A wonderful lineup of literate, country-tinged indie pop. Check out http://www.mendozaline.com, http://myspace.com/mendozaline, http://greatlakeswimmers.com/, http://www.elliottbrood.ca/ for more info and free sounds.

:: Also worthwhile in the March 1-March 15 timeframe ::
Every Friday RAKADU GYPSY DANCE @ Nema’s Grille (Frankfort) – meccadance.com
Sat/Mar 11 TED LEO & THE PHARMACISTS @ Southgate House (Newport, KY)

:: Soon Soon ::
Fri/Mar 17 “Know Your Own” vol.2 release party featuring EYES AND ARMS OF SMOKE, WARMER MILKS, OXFORD FARM REPORT, IDEAL FREE DISTRIBUTION, and CITY MOUSE @ The Dame
Fri/Mar 24 ERIN McKEOWN TRIO w/MELISSA FERRICK @ Southgate House (Newport, KY)
Sun/Mar 26 MY WAY MY LOVE w/OXFORD FARM REPORT @ The Dame – ages 18+
Fri/Mar 31 BOB MOULD @ Southgate House (Newport, KY)
Tues/Apr 4 HALF HANDED CLOUD w/LIZ JANES + CREATE! and THE ARCHITECTS (members of Big Fresh and the Elephants) @ Underlying Themes, 110 S. Upper – all ages
Wed/Apr 5 THE BRUNETTES w/CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH @ Southgate House (Newport, KY)
Sat/Apr 15 RHETT MILLER AND THE BELIEVERS @ Headliners (Louisville) – ages 18+
Wed/Apr 19 AB BAARS QUARTET @ Underlying Themes – all ages
Thurs/Apr 20 ENON @ Southgate House (Newport, KY)

:: Pertinent resources ::
THE DAME, 156 W.Main St, Lexington - http://www.dameky.com
MECCA dance studio/gallery, 451 Chair Avenue, off S.Broadway near Bolivar - http://www.meccadance.com
UNDERLYING THEMES LOFT SPACE, 110 S. Upper (above Busters) – http://www.underlyingthemes.com
CHARLES MANSION – http://www.charlesmansion.org
FIREBIRD STUDIO, 359 W. Short St – http://firebirdlexington.com
HIGH LIFE LOUNGE, University Plaza (corner of Rose and Euclid) – ph. 859/455-8890
NATASHA'S CAFE, 112 Esplanade - http://www.beetnik.com/
FAUNTLEROY’S CAFÉ, 640 W. Maxwell – ph. 859/455-8188
THE ICEHOUSE, 412 Cross St (off W.Maxwell), Lexington
DOWNTOWN ARTS CENTER, 141 E. Main St, Lexington – http://www.lexarts.org
ARTSPLACE, 161 N.Mill St, Lexington
LEXINGTONSHOWS.com (all ages show listings) - http://www.lexingtonshows.com
COUNTER FICTION (metal/punk/hardcore all ages show listings) – http://www.counterfiction.com
CRICKET PRESS (amazing local poster art) - http://www.cricket-press.com
WRFL 88.1FM (UK's student-run radio station) - http://wrfl.uky.edu
YOU AIN’T NO PICASSO (great locally-produced music blog) – http://www.youaintnopicasoo.com

LAVA (Louisville Assembly of Vanguard Artists) HOUSE - 927 Shelby Parkway, Louisville - http://www.lavahouse.org
HEADLINERS MUSIC HALL, Louisville - 1386 Lexington Road, ph. 502/584-8088 - www.headlinerslouisville.com
UNCLE PLEASANTS, 2126 S. Preston, Louisville - p.502/634-4147
THE RUDYARD KIPLING, 422 West Oak Street, Louisville -
OLD LOUISVILLE COFFEHOUSE, 1489 S. Fourth St, Louisville - ph. 502/635-6660
PRODUCTION SIMPLE (produce many of the events at Headliners and Uncle Pleasants) – http://www.productionsimple.com

__Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky__
THE SOUTHGATE HOUSE, Newport, KY - http://www.southgatehouse.com
ALCHEMIZE, 1122 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH – http://www.alchemizebar.com
THE COMET, 4579 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH - http://www.cometbar.com
BOGART'S, 2621 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH - http://www.bogarts.com
THE MOCKBEE (formerly SS NOVA), 2260 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH - http://www.ssnova.org
NORTHSIDE TAVERN, 4163 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH – http://www.northside-tavern.com

Know of an upcoming event that others should get hip to? Let us know - email informationactivists@yahoo.com
All Picks by Ross Compton unless otherwise noted.

:::::::::::::: QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/SUBMISSIONS ::::::::::::::::::::::::
email thelexingtonproject@yahoo.com

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